Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kristin- Advertising All-Stars

I was driving from my house in Southington yesterday back to my apartment in Fairfield and along my pretty boring drive couldn't help but notice all the billboards. Advertising is vertually everywhere these days be it a billboard, tv, internet, magazine, or side of a bus. It's hard if not impossible to go anywhere without noticing some type of advertising. My new favorites are the digital billboards along the highways that change every few seconds...what better way to capitalize on space and make the most money! Some research suggest a single person sees up to 5,000 ads a day. Multiply that by 365 days a year and that's a lot of ads! So with people seeing so many ads a day I found it interesting to see which ads stuck in people's minds. I found this very interesting article below which lists the top 100 advertising campaigns of all time. Some of them may suprise you!

1 comment:

  1. Volkswagen "think small" from the 1950's. Man those German engineers are always way ahead of their time!
