I know nothing about blogging except that there are a lot of political blogs out there. I understandwhy people would write about politics, but I reallly don't understand why anyone would take the time to write about an industry, company, or product. so I will read the links posted with interest!
On a positive note, I received an AdAge article in my box about the positives for marketers in this black economy. here are soome highlights:
* lobbyists are back in full swing with all government spending on the table
*direct response TV is growing strong -- esp. if your product has something to do with Obama
*budget beer -- the cheap relaxer is experiencing growth
*online video, as discussed in class, is growing in leaps and bounds
*Latino population is a huge growth sector
*Kindle - e-books: the book industries answer to plummeting sales.
*PR, esp. if you're good at spinning bad news into good. (Anyone want to try their hand at, say, Citigroup???)
*Cable TV hires lots of consultants on a project basis.
*outside home media outlets, like phones & radio are getting more and more traffic. people are spending more time away from homes as jobs become more demanding
*mobile marketing to increase an est. 26% per yr until 2012
*Pet care. no matter what, fido ges fed
*marketing analysis --Neilson can't hire enough people!
*packaged good s and fast food. no more fancy restaurant meals.
*online coupon companies. get the consumers where consumers are -- online, not reading the inserts in newspapers
*last but not least, gun sales are way up. No not fear of burglary, fear of Obama axing the gun ownership laws.
That's right, you heard it hear first!
Foreward to The New Inquisition
5 months ago
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