Friday, February 27, 2009
Connie - Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone
Apple's iPhone has wowed most of the globe — but not Japan, where the handset is selling so poorly it's being offered for free.
What's wrong with the iPhone, from a Japanese perspective? Almost everything: the high monthly data plans that go with it, its paucity of features, the low-quality camera, the unfashionable design and the fact that it's not Japanese.
In an effort to boost business, Japanese carrier SoftBank this week launched the "iPhone for Everybody" campaign, which gives away the 8-GB model of the iPhone 3G if customers agree to a two-year contract.
To read the rest of the article, click on this link:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Amy & Alibaba
I was a sole member of a none-company, that is not I wasn't not listed on D&B, with a small product that hadn't even been consumer tested, and yet I could engage legitimate companies to produce my product without getting ripped off. Now this last comment may sound a bit jaded, and perhaps living in NYC for so long has jaded me some, I was completely leery of business as an institution and business people as a group. SHU and alibaba have changed that perception for me. I would recommend its both this institution and alibaba to anyone who was looking for the services they provide.
Ritsa- Booking Buddy
For example, after filling in the departure and arrival information such as destination and dates, Booking Buddy allows you to choose whether you want to check prices at, or, or cheap, or a dozen other ticket sites including airline sites such as
Like the, an online comparison site of almost anything, Booking Buddy lets you compare prices of all flights and vacations (i.e. cruises, hotels, car rentals) in order for you to find the cheapest price.
To check it out, go to
Shane - Netflix
Ok, so I don't always take advantage of all Netflix has to offer that is included in my plan. In fact, I received a movie in the mail a week ago and have yet to watch it. So, this month I may end up only watching two movies. That still equals the amount that Blockbuster would give me for around the same price. Depending on where the nearest Netflix shipping facility is in relation to my house at the time, it usually takes no more than three days turnaround to send and receive a movie in the mail. It could be the bright red envelopes that are hard to miss that assist the post office in the speedy delivery or maybe a bargain Netflix made with the US Postal Service that all mail workers get Netflix service as long as they move quick to process others. Whatever it is, they do it well. Now that Netflix streaming has become so popular through the use of xbox 360 and LG tv's along with TiVo, Netflix has come up with plans that offer streaming only usage.
To learn more click here for the full article.
Drew-Dell's Identity Crisis
check it out:
Liz - online shopping
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mark - Pricegrabber
To view the article, you'll have to sign in using your SHU id since it was found in the SHU library resources database.
More on this article.
Kerry- Alibaba
In this article it discusses how Alibaba merged with 8 Chinese banks to help small business owners obtain loan funds. All of the banks that merged with Alibaba were mentioned in this article. Alibaba has entered into the world of e-commerce. Yahoo surprisingly is closing their
Kristin-"The Disneyland of Dairy" Stew Leonards
Stew Leonards offers more than just shopping. Shopping at Stews is more an experience than a chore due in large part to its in store theatrics and fresh, upscale selection of products. Stew Leonards offers more than just food. Parents bring their children, and Stews doesn't disappoint in keeping the kids entertained while the parents shop. There are animatronics adorning the entire store where kids (or adults who act like kids) can press a button and see a show.
Stew Leonards has landed its 8th consecutive year on Fortune Magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" and prides itself on the concept of you can't have a great place to shop without first making it a great place to work. Stew Leonards is the highest grossing grocery store per square foot. While it may seem risky, Stews offers roughly only 1,000 different items opposed to a normal grocery stores 15,000-20,000 items. Stews also doesn't have multiple aisles to walk up and down like a normal grocery store, instead customers walk a single 20 foot wide aisle that is almost like a labyrinth. The approach seems to have buying only one brand direct from manufacturers in huge quantities Stew Leonards is able to pass savings on to its customers. Also, the labyrinth concept allows customers to come face to face with every item sold. The store also prides itself on free samples and fresh foods. The company strongly believes the customer is always right and is constantly striving for new ways to keep the customers happy and coming back.
To read the full article...
Denis -
In this tough recession priceline does outperform its competition. The share price increased by 16% after the 4th quarters earnings result got published.
The key to their sales success is a NO-FEE charge!
Mahaney (Citigroup analyst) says Priceline is one of the most defensive Internet stocks because more than 60% of its bookings/profits are in Europe and counter-cyclical U.S. hedges. He thinks the company has travel segment's best management team.
The output of US transportation services, which is a driver for travel agencies and services, is forecast to grow at an annual compounded rate of 4 percent between 2008 and 2013. Data Sourced: December 2008

The First Research Industry Growth Rating reflects the expected industry growth relative to other industries, based on INFORUM's forecasted average annual growth for the combined years of 2009 and 2010.
But who is the cheapest travel agent. I ran a price-test of a round trip to germany over this summer.
New York to Hamburg - July 1st / Hamburg to New York - August 10th
Priceline: $ 951
Expedia: $ 989.60
Orbitz: $992
Travelocity: $ 993

Sue H---Future of Netflix
Krista- edressme for the oscars
Friday, February 20, 2009
Connie - Newegg, Amazon, Netflix lead e-tail customer satisfaction; eBay hits all-time low
The decline in customer satisfaction appears to be related to complaints about its system, prices, seller defections and the fact that its auction-based business model seems to have lost some of its luster. Revenues fell 7% in the fourth quarter, marking eBay’s first ever negative year-on-year quarter, and stock price declined almost 60% in 2008.
Amazon, Newegg and Netfilx had strong satisfaction scores.
To read the full article, click on this link:
David- Bank Bail Out
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Shane - Lead Generators
Here's one of many websites:
Denis - All Brand Advertisers Are Not Created Equal: Attracting and Retaining Brand Advertisers Online
Watch the presentation:
Kristen - Marketing Metrics and Buzzwords,295582,sid11_gci1249444,00.html
Liz - number crunching: Facebook vs. MySpace;tags
Ritsa- Is Google Analytics Inaccurate?
One of the problems and inaccuracies is counting visits. According to all the web analytics standards, a "visit" only happens when someone reads more than one page on a site. It's considered a "bounce" if a person looks at one page on the site and then leaves, not a "visit." (Read the article for a good analogy). Google counts bounces as visits, but its not really considered a visit is it?
Other problems with the inaccuracy of Google Analytics include visit counts, conversion rates, exit rates, and AdWords.
Amy: Advertising measures
Success is always calculated by your profits, profits are achieved by getting your product out there, and where out there is depends upon your product.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mark - Breaking through the clutter
The article covered many different topics, but here’s the link for more on this article.
Kerry- Metrics
In this article it gives you four key metrics in order to help a start up entrepreneur grow. The following are the 4 key metrics to follow: leads generated, leads converted, average dollar per transaction, and average number of transactions per customer. The article goes into depth of each key metric in order to gain success in your business.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Krista - Research and metrics
Drew-Performance-Driven Ads
heres the article:
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kristin- Failing to tap the digital world's full potential
Friday, February 13, 2009
Connie - Economy Calls For Online Lead Generation
Right now, budgets are definitely a top priority for marketers. As a result, marketers must make the most of their spend--and they must account for every penny. Any marketing method they choose needs to be extremely targeted, measurable and result in high conversion rates
The ultimate goal for marketers is increasing sales--and it is here where Lead Generation is the fastest and most sustainable of online marketing efforts.
The leads can also be sent immediately after sign-up--which is what many marketers need in a climate where they cannot afford anything less than maximum return on their marketing spend. This flexibility means that OLG is very cost-effective, as marketing managers are only paying for the leads that they use.
To read more of the article, click on this link:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
David - Advertising
Denis - Beckham Armani Ad
All images from the campaign rolled out online on June 23, and billboards like these will spread to Rome, London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, and more.
Shane - Advertising, in your life...
I think Google is unique in many ways for which I love each and every one. Simply going to does not flood you with miscellaneous advertisements that make you want to hold down the power button on your computer. It's a search bar on a blank page, plain and simple. Now, once you search it's a different story. The advertisements on the left side of the window still are not as bad as some on facebook and other websites. I must say that facebook is smart in the way they advertise. I've mistaken advertisements as part of my friends profiles because they do such a good job integrating them and relating them to whatever page I may be on.
Billboards are something else you cannot avoid. I almost got into an accident today because I saw a billboard on the highway that looked interesting but I couldn't see what it said. As I leaned over while driving to get a better look starring intently at it I realized my car was leaning with me into the other lane. With advertisements getting increasingly catchy and technologically flashy it is no longer an option to avoid them.
Hilarious Superbowl Commercial
Kristen - Google + Recession = No More Radio Advertising
Sue--Anheuser's Ad Czar steps down
Ritsa- SuperBowl advertising
Among the best were:
- BudLight budget cuts
- Pepsi Forever Young
- Doritos Crystal Ball
- BudLight Conan O'Brien's swedish commercial
- Budweiser Clydesdale (multiple commercials)
- Transformers Trailer
- NBC LMAO syndrome
Kristin- Advertising All-Stars
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Liz - Google Advertising
Here is a link to Google's announcement for the service:
Drew- Interactive TV
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Amy: Google Advertising
Mark - Microsoft adCenter
With the company's development of adCenter, Microsft realized that they needed to offer something different to its users to differentiate themselves from Google. Instead of competing directly with what Google offers, Microsoft decided to take a different approach. Such things as displaying more ads in the same screen space, by requiring providers to use less text in their ads have been done. This benefits the advertisers, because more ads have the potential to be clicked on by viewers.
Another interesting date in history was when Microsoft and Facebook joined forces in August 2006, reaching an agreement on advertising on one of the most popular social networking sites today. Microsoft is the exclusive provider of banner advertising on the site. This created great exposure for Microsoft, because Facebook is constantly viewed everyday by its users.
Here's a link to a guy named Don Dodge, and his take on the Microsoft-Facebook merger
Monday, February 9, 2009
Kerry- Google Mobile Advertising
In this article it talks about how Google plans to advertise on mobile phones. If you want to order food from a restaurant all you would have to do is click on a number to order food from a restaurant. The way the ad would show up on a mobile phone would be that the user would type in their search in a box that would appear. Then on the side of your cell phone’s screen another box would show up with the search results. Google’s main concern is having the mobile phone react immediately, so it could populate the consumer’s responses quickly.
I find it pretty interesting to see where technology is taking us now and in the future.
Krista - advertising
Bloggers on the site don't seem to agree with the article, siting that newspapers are not green and Google shouldn't be punished for their success.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Connie - Google Advertising
Here is some of the article:
A court in France has reportedly ordered Google to pay more than $500,000 for infringing two travel companies' trademarks with the AdWords platform.
The court found that Google infringed the trademarks of Voyageurs du Monde and Terres d'Aventure by displaying ads for rivals when users queried on the travel companies' names, according to Google was ordered to pay Voyageurs du Monde approximately $256,000 and Terres d'Aventure around $192,000. Google also was ordered to pay around $78,000 in court costs.
To read the rest of the article, click on this link:
Krista - Drivers License search
Subject: Re: Check your Driver's License> > > Very important!> > Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the> Internet. I just> searched for mine and there it was...picture and all.> (Thanks Homeland> Security!) You can remove it which I did by going to...> > > >> <> > > > > ...and entering your name, city and state. When your > license comes on > the screen, click the box marked, " a it.<>
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Ritsa- Search
The book was also helpful for me to understand what I am doing at work. I work with google analytics and webmaster tools to optimize our website and rank higher in search results. To understand how google works behind the scenes, is helpful to me.
Shane - Searching Privacy
Denis - Google Latitude
Denis - What would we do without Google
If i want to go on vacation, have do research for a paper, get the it, I use Google.
In 2003, Internet wonk Jim Ayson observed that the word “Google” (as a verb) had begun creeping its way into common usage, as in, “Why don’t you Google it?”
So instead of looking of searching for something, you "google" it! It is like the Kleenex that over the meaning of the tissue.
Kristen - Google/GMail
I use a Gmail account in addition to my Sacred Heart email (which is my work email address) and I love Gmail. It gives me the option to store about 2 gigs worth of email without forcing me to delete, or even worse, without deleting it for me with no notice. Gmail basically makes it possible to do all of the little things you do on your computer in one Internet window. Recently, with many of my friends now living abroad and working, my new thing is video-chatting with them on Gmail chat. With the click of a button (it is very much like Skype) I got a whole video tour of my friend's flat in London. Gmail also gives you options such as linking all of your email addresses to Gmail and it will deliver all of your mail to that address, audio chat, different contact lists, etc. You can also access the Google search engine through being in your Gmail inbox.
Google is definitely taking over the world. If not the world, then definitely the Internet world. I even Googled 'Gmail' to blog about Google. That's got to say something.
- categorize all the information in the world
- give users access to satellite pictures of anywhere on earth and in the sky
- take every existing book and post it online
- be the lead distributor of online video through YouTube
It has a hand in everything; it is investing in mobile technology, email, spreadsheets and other software programs. This article from the NY Times elaborates on Google's advances.
Even our terminology is affected by Google. When asked about something I don't know, I don't say "search for it," I say "google it!" So I did just that; I googled Google. I found: Google maps, Google news, Google reader, Google video,, Doodle for Google, Google groups, Google blog, Google image search, Google Adwords, Google Toolbar, Google Earth...even Google in Francais.
It is really impressive to watch Google's growth and see society's dependence on the online search engine. I don't know how any other company could or will compete.
Sue H. Tracking Friends with Google
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Mark - Search History
One great way to track your viewers if you have a site or blog, is to use Google Analytics. This site provides information about where viewers are viewing from, what part of the site they search, any many other things. This can help improve site visability and help the creator see where adjustments need to be made throughout the site.
More on Google Analytics
Kristin- How far will search go?
Krista - Search / Google
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kerry- Google
One of the interesting things that Google has is a site that lets you explore the earth. You get a 3-D image of the Earth and you could also get a close up on your house! They added a new feature to Google Earth where you could now view the oceans. Google also implemented a teaching tools so it could be used in the classroom. Google really knows how to pick their target market for this website. Check it out!
Drew-Search for a Search Engine
You could go to Google. Or you could stay here and get straight to your answers.
Hmm..Thank you, I think.
The results for searching Yahoo on Google were vastly different. Nothing tried to redirect me to Google. Any and all of the resources of Yahoo were available in the search. This could make for some good discussion as there may be some very logical reasons for these findings but it is nothing short of interesting.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Amy: Blog 3/Google has the following choices: