Thursday, April 2, 2009
Ritsa- Foxwoods

Denis - iPhone OS 3.0 Software
With the new SDK, members of the iPhone Developer Program can build applications that do even more. Developers will have the tools to enable in-app purchases — like subscriptions, additional game levels, and new content. They can also create apps that connect peer to peer via Bluetooth, communicate with hardware accessories, and use the Apple Push Notification service to provide alerts.
You can now embed maps within your applications using the new Map Kit framework. Map Kit works with the Google Mobile Maps Service and features panning and zooming, custom annotations, current location and geocoding.
If there's one thing the iPhone OS 3.0 preview has emphasized, it's just exactly how big the iPhone platform is, and how much room there is still left for growth and expansion.
This thing is just huge! Unlike the two years previous when it was non-existent, Apple's iPhone platform is now the hottest mobile platform in the world with over 30 million iPhone and iPod touch devices out in the wild. That figure has brought over 50,000 paying developers (with over 800,000 free iPhone SDK downloads) to Apple's door. So far, they've written more programs in just eight months than the Windows Mobile platform and its third-party developers have seen to date in over nine years. At the same time, Apple's software bazaar is nearing the one billion download mark, enabling even a small guy to become rich overnight with only a moderately successful iPhone app.
David- How Marketers Plan To Invade Your Phone
Cell phones are here to stay especially with the new features that are being added to phones, IPHONE alone has thousands of things you can download to the phone, a book being one of them. You can go on the Internet, write emails, check facebook, myspace, whereas before these things all had to be done in front of a PC, now its right in the palm of your hands.
Kristen - Mobile Marketing on my Blackberry
Shane - Mobile Marketing
It is becoming a reality, however, that we are easily reachable via cellular devices. Since cell phones increasingly evolve into hand-held computers they are now being treated as such by advertisers. The biggest marketing ploy thus far is the iPhone Apps. Granted, most of the apps are pretty cool and, if I had an iPhone, I would have many of them. But many of the apps, just as computers do, have advertisements in the corners of the screen. The yellow pages, for example, or Google Maps, all have advertisements along with your search results. After all, if it looks and act like a computer, why wouldn't it be treated like one?
Kristin- Stop & Shop jumpstarts mobile marketing

So you may be asking yourself what it is, or are just too scared to try the new technology. Stop & Shop has launched these new mobile "scan it" devices in many of their stores. It's really quite simple and easy to use. When you walk in, you scan your Stop & Shop card and one of the scanners will light up for you to take and use.

Sue H--G-20 activists and Twitter
Krista - iPhones in India flop
Apple's iPhones have been sold in India since last August but sales have been very low given the 20 million new customers that Indian cell-phone providers add each month. The price may be a consideration as the iPhone is 1/3 the amount as the new Indian-made car, Nana costs. At $700 each (price is determine by local partners, not Apple) it is expensive compared to $199/mo with a 2 year contract in the U.S.
The article also mentions the slowing global economny as a factor and that the iPhones can be unlocked and used on competing networks.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Kerry- Mobile Marketing
The rule has 5 objectives:
- Promote a consistent consumer experience
- enhance efficiencies for marketing campaigns using short codes
- cut the time to market for campaigns
- ensure consistent monitoring and auditing
- cut operational costs
This all came about when users had been tricked to subscribing to services from text messages and jokes. They were charged on their bill for these services. They are looking to get subscribers approval or an opt in/opt out procecuders in place.
Liz - China
On another note, I thought it was interesting that the Chinese web portal and social network operator Tencent financially relies more on the selling of virtual goods rather than advertising . It sells about $750million in virtual good a year - instant messaging upgrades, wallpaper, etc. Online advertising is a very small portion if its overall revenue (10%). This is a little outdated but 88% of Yahoo's total revenue in 2006 came from marketing.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mark - Did Conficker start in China?
Connie - Google to offer free music downloads in China
Google has announced that Chinese users of its search engine will be able to download around 350,000 songs from partners EMI, Sony, Warner and Universal - all free, licensed and legal.
Revenue will be generated for the service from advertising, which Google will in turn share with the four major record labels.
According to the article, the deal will not be replicated in other countries. One wonders if this will eventually be offered in other countires.
To read the rest of the article, click on this link:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Shane - Google in China
Denis - Legal and Ethical Aspects of the Internet
This website is a tutorial that touches on the main areas of legal and ethical concern that have emerged so far, the ways in which they are being dealt with, and the implications for providers of technology related services and products.
Drew-Foreign markets tough for YouTube
Kerry- Google and Behavioral Advertising
Liz - ethical & legal issues
In light of how the Internet is a major part of the daily life for all of us, I found this website very interesting. Blogs, photos, email, anything online is forever in cyberspace. Does Facebook own our pictures once we post them? Who actually owns our words when we post online? The internet is free range for anyone looking. From a business perspective, what is posted online about the company, whether it is through a blog or the company's website, is crucial to its reputation. The company site must make sure that it contains correct information so as to avoid any legal issues and misguided (unethical) marketing. We hear of spyware that invades our email accounts or businesses selling our cell phone numbers. I think we will continue to see more legal action against and to prevent these actions. Just last year an Az man violated Washington’s Computer Spyware Act and Consumer Protection Act when he bombarded people's computers with ads and them presented them w/a software that would block the ads, which when downloaded turned their computers into spamming machines. http://www.atg.wa.gov/pressrelease.aspx?id=19416
Kristin- New York Times 10 Rules of Blogging
Sue H--Revised guidelines for BT
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mark - Mobile marketing & China vs. YouTube
More on this mobile marketing campaign
Well, China's at it again, taking away many of the freedoms that us Americans might take for granted. The Chinese government announced today that they were going to block access to the popular Internet site YouTube.com, and not with much reason. There are rumors that one of the reasons this was done was because of a video that was displayed on YouTube.com that showed Tibetan prisoners being attacked by Chinese policemen. I understand how this would cause great concern, but to limit all access? That seems a little ridiculous. Why can't they just block and remove this video from the site like they do with other video clips?
More on China and YouTube
Monday, March 23, 2009
Krista- Twitter can get your fired
But I guess the question is where is the line drawn between your social and professional lives?
It also mentioned Twitter is much quicker than Facebook on getting info out so therefore it's quicker to get your fired.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Connie - Blogger's Code of Ethics
CyberJournalist.net went so far as to create a model Bloggers' Code of Ethics, by modifying the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics for the Weblog world. These are just guidelines but not something bloggers need to follow.
CyberJournalist says bloggers should be honest and fair (identify and link to sources), minimize harm (show good taste), and be accountable (admit mistakes).
Personally, I just think bloggers should watch what they say - you never know who is going to be reading your blog.
To read the full post about the Code of Ethics, click on this link:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I started my own blog page
Spent hours trying to figure out blogging -- blogspot was, by far, the most helpful. the "Doing it right" chapter of the book starts out with "...techniques and guidelines that have worked for other successful bloggers." So I followed their advice: I looked for blogs on bloglines (it took me an hour just to figure out how to set up an account and then figure out how to search for what I was interested, hint: my interests were not represented in the top 1000 blogs: I am not particularly interested in more news (is there any good news these days???) And anyway, the ones I was interested in - -one or two design blogs -- I tried to add to my feed but I have no idea if I did it right, or if I'll get the RSS feed -- yes the Really Simple Syndication that I couldn't figure out.
I guess what I'm saying is that the technical sites the authors of Naked Conversations sent us to are useless to those with a vocab deficit like me. Blospot on the other hand -- its almost as easy as AdWords Starter edition. The page isn't what I want it to eventually look like, but I feel confident enough to try my hand at it on another day. And isn't that what it's all about? When you create a how-to, you want it to be simple enough for people to follow, it builds confidence and interest, and that keeps your audience coming back. Who knows, maybe I'll try a little html tomorrow.
So here's my blogspot -- leave me a note! http://kissutissue.blogspot.com/
And, by the way, how do people find out about your blog other than sending them an invite via e-mail? Is it really just through the links you leave and key words you use in writing your blog? That does seem a bit far fetched...
David- Why Blog
Shane - A new way of communicating
Kristen - Blogging and Sacred Heart
Denis - YouTube had been blocked for nearly a year in Turkey
Sue H--Digital Mom report
Drew- Will blog for money
Is somebody watching you?
I found an article from the FTC, dated back to February 12th, about the issuance of a report describing their ongoing examination of online behavioral advertising. It describes both the advantages and disadvantages of behavioral advertising to consumers.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Liz - Google and China
"A recent Pew Research Center survey found that 80% of Chinese think the Internet should be managed or controlled, and 85% think the government should be responsible for doing it."
The Pew Research Center is based out of Washington DC, but were those results filtered like everything else coming out of and going in to China? Did they alter their numbers to advocate what they do? You run the risk of arrest if you go against the Chinese government. The citizens of China are getting access to a greater amount of worldwide news even with the censorship and the existence of the Great Firewall of China. As Google puts it, "offering a limited set of information in China is better than no information at all." I guess something is better than nothing, but talk about Big Brother - most of the time people have to give up personal information to gain access to the internet.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"The success of a blog often depends on its audience size." So the articles #1 advice is to have a core audience of supporters. The circulation of your blog outweighs the content. Blog readership = word of mouth marketing.
3 Strategies for builing a core audience
1. Power networking- make sure your blog offers value to the intented party w/o requesting something in return. Stay on the radar by blogging often and encourage discussions with and amongst readers
2. Content Syndication - include guest bloggings, recommendations and links
3. Use social media websites as a distribution channel like Digg or Reddit
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mark - Engadget and the wimpy guy
Engadget's blog
I also came across one guy's blog who doesn't like Engadget because they update their information so frequently. I guess this isn't a good thing if your a competitor in the same market, and trying to bring customer electronic product information to viewers faster. For everyone else, it's great!
Check out this guys blog and how upset he is
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Kristin- Top 25
Friday, March 13, 2009
Connie - Social networks more popular than email
Nielsen Online examined nine global markets. Among these, penetration for social networks and blogs was highest in Brazil where 80% of the online audience visited such sites. That compares to 75% for runner-up Spain and 67% for the USA. As the most popular social network globally, Facebook is visited monthly by three in 10 people across the markets in the report.
To read the article, click on this link:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kerry- Blogging your way into a Job
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Shane - An Apple a day...

Drew-Despite tough times Apple isn't going anywhere
Check it:
Amy & Apple
My daughters both use Apple computers and swear by them, but it really wasn't until a friend of mine illuminated the incredible benefits of Apple computers that I started to think about a switch. Wilson built and launched his entire website www.eyedit.tv and he's my age....he composed the animation that serves as my website splash page with his "pretty standard" Apple. www.kissutissue.com
These are all business/professional applications, and for that purpose, I might spend the extra hours trying to learn a new machine; but for regular life applications? Let me explain: I had grown to love my GPS. Then one day, it didn't work and I had to use my faculties to get myself home. At first I was panicked, and then I realized I had become lazy and dependent in a way that allowed -- even built -- distance between me and my environment. So I now view all these apps as enablers. They help make us lazy, we no longer have to explore our world, take chances, and we can have whatever we want when we want it, or so it seems.
All these apps? they just make us lazy. And while iPods seem harmless, ask a person who works with teens if they think iPods are harmless. These kids NEVER have to spend time reflecting, dealing with discomfort, or talking with anyone; they can just plug in their earbuds and they're good to go....
Sue H--Amazon to sell E-books for Apple devices
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Denis - Apple Inc.
There is a really good website to get info about what to expect in the future and current news. A lot is based on rumors, but it is a very serious source. I followed it for a long time now. It is a really good forecast and more.
Kristin-Not In My House!
To read the article:
Krista - Smartphones
Average prices have dropped for the iPhone- from $216 in 07 to $167 in 08. ($200 seems to be the price consumers are wililng to pay.) iPhone competitors- Blackberry Storm, T-Mobile G1 Nextel are in the same price range. High-speed data services are becoming standard on smartphones, 66% use the 3G wireless network vs 46% last year.
Verizon Wireless is running a buy one get one free special on their smartphone Storm but these deals can cut into carrier's profits. NPD Group suggest selling more accessories to increase profits.
Ritsa- iPhone applications
- application to find where your car is parked (in case you totally lose it in the mall parking lot)
- GoodFood- best places to find eats in your neighborhood
- prescription drug search- my friend is a nurse and she has an application on her iPhone that lets her describe the pill (color, shape, size) and figure out what it is
- AreYouSafe DC- lets you know how safe you are at any given time based on your current location within the city.
- SpeedoCheck- turn your iPhone into your own handheld speedometer. like reallllly?
- BudgetCare- control your personal expenses
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Kerry- Apple iPhone
Mark - Apple + Mac Mini
Here's more on an article I found about the Mac Mini
Monday, March 2, 2009
Liz-Apple application
The Nevada Gaming Control Board issued a warning to the casinos about iPhone's card counting application, issed after gamblers in California were caught using the counter at an Indian casino.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Connie - Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone
Apple's iPhone has wowed most of the globe — but not Japan, where the handset is selling so poorly it's being offered for free.
What's wrong with the iPhone, from a Japanese perspective? Almost everything: the high monthly data plans that go with it, its paucity of features, the low-quality camera, the unfashionable design and the fact that it's not Japanese.
In an effort to boost business, Japanese carrier SoftBank this week launched the "iPhone for Everybody" campaign, which gives away the 8-GB model of the iPhone 3G if customers agree to a two-year contract.
To read the rest of the article, click on this link:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Amy & Alibaba
I was a sole member of a none-company, that is not I wasn't not listed on D&B, with a small product that hadn't even been consumer tested, and yet I could engage legitimate companies to produce my product without getting ripped off. Now this last comment may sound a bit jaded, and perhaps living in NYC for so long has jaded me some, I was completely leery of business as an institution and business people as a group. SHU and alibaba have changed that perception for me. I would recommend its both this institution and alibaba to anyone who was looking for the services they provide.
Ritsa- Booking Buddy
For example, after filling in the departure and arrival information such as destination and dates, Booking Buddy allows you to choose whether you want to check prices at expedia.com, or priceline.com, or cheap tickets.com, or a dozen other ticket sites including airline sites such as jetblue.com.
Like the pricegrabber.com, an online comparison site of almost anything, Booking Buddy lets you compare prices of all flights and vacations (i.e. cruises, hotels, car rentals) in order for you to find the cheapest price.
To check it out, go to www.bookingbuddy.com
Shane - Netflix
Ok, so I don't always take advantage of all Netflix has to offer that is included in my plan. In fact, I received a movie in the mail a week ago and have yet to watch it. So, this month I may end up only watching two movies. That still equals the amount that Blockbuster would give me for around the same price. Depending on where the nearest Netflix shipping facility is in relation to my house at the time, it usually takes no more than three days turnaround to send and receive a movie in the mail. It could be the bright red envelopes that are hard to miss that assist the post office in the speedy delivery or maybe a bargain Netflix made with the US Postal Service that all mail workers get Netflix service as long as they move quick to process others. Whatever it is, they do it well. Now that Netflix streaming has become so popular through the use of xbox 360 and LG tv's along with TiVo, Netflix has come up with plans that offer streaming only usage.
To learn more click here for the full article.
Drew-Dell's Identity Crisis
check it out:
Liz - online shopping
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mark - Pricegrabber
To view the article, you'll have to sign in using your SHU id since it was found in the SHU library resources database.
More on this article.
Kerry- Alibaba
In this article it discusses how Alibaba merged with 8 Chinese banks to help small business owners obtain loan funds. All of the banks that merged with Alibaba were mentioned in this article. Alibaba has entered into the world of e-commerce. Yahoo surprisingly is closing their
Kristin-"The Disneyland of Dairy" Stew Leonards
Stew Leonards offers more than just shopping. Shopping at Stews is more an experience than a chore due in large part to its in store theatrics and fresh, upscale selection of products. Stew Leonards offers more than just food. Parents bring their children, and Stews doesn't disappoint in keeping the kids entertained while the parents shop. There are animatronics adorning the entire store where kids (or adults who act like kids) can press a button and see a show.
Stew Leonards has landed its 8th consecutive year on Fortune Magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" and prides itself on the concept of you can't have a great place to shop without first making it a great place to work. Stew Leonards is the highest grossing grocery store per square foot. While it may seem risky, Stews offers roughly only 1,000 different items opposed to a normal grocery stores 15,000-20,000 items. Stews also doesn't have multiple aisles to walk up and down like a normal grocery store, instead customers walk a single 20 foot wide aisle that is almost like a labyrinth. The approach seems to have worked...by buying only one brand direct from manufacturers in huge quantities Stew Leonards is able to pass savings on to its customers. Also, the labyrinth concept allows customers to come face to face with every item sold. The store also prides itself on free samples and fresh foods. The company strongly believes the customer is always right and is constantly striving for new ways to keep the customers happy and coming back.
To read the full article...
Denis - priceline.com
In this tough recession priceline does outperform its competition. The share price increased by 16% after the 4th quarters earnings result got published.
The key to their sales success is a NO-FEE charge!
Mahaney (Citigroup analyst) says Priceline is one of the most defensive Internet stocks because more than 60% of its bookings/profits are in Europe and counter-cyclical U.S. hedges. He thinks the company has travel segment's best management team.
The output of US transportation services, which is a driver for travel agencies and services, is forecast to grow at an annual compounded rate of 4 percent between 2008 and 2013. Data Sourced: December 2008

The First Research Industry Growth Rating reflects the expected industry growth relative to other industries, based on INFORUM's forecasted average annual growth for the combined years of 2009 and 2010.
But who is the cheapest travel agent. I ran a price-test of a round trip to germany over this summer.
New York to Hamburg - July 1st / Hamburg to New York - August 10th
Priceline: $ 951
Expedia: $ 989.60
Orbitz: $992
Travelocity: $ 993

Sue H---Future of Netflix
Krista- edressme for the oscars
Friday, February 20, 2009
Connie - Newegg, Amazon, Netflix lead e-tail customer satisfaction; eBay hits all-time low
The decline in customer satisfaction appears to be related to complaints about its system, prices, seller defections and the fact that its auction-based business model seems to have lost some of its luster. Revenues fell 7% in the fourth quarter, marking eBay’s first ever negative year-on-year quarter, and stock price declined almost 60% in 2008.
Amazon, Newegg and Netfilx had strong satisfaction scores.
To read the full article, click on this link:
David- Bank Bail Out
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Shane - Lead Generators
Here's one of many websites: http://www.healthleads.com/
Denis - All Brand Advertisers Are Not Created Equal: Attracting and Retaining Brand Advertisers Online
Watch the presentation:
Kristen - Marketing Metrics and Buzzwords
Liz - number crunching: Facebook vs. MySpace
Ritsa- Is Google Analytics Inaccurate?
One of the problems and inaccuracies is counting visits. According to all the web analytics standards, a "visit" only happens when someone reads more than one page on a site. It's considered a "bounce" if a person looks at one page on the site and then leaves, not a "visit." (Read the article for a good analogy). Google counts bounces as visits, but its not really considered a visit is it?
Other problems with the inaccuracy of Google Analytics include visit counts, conversion rates, exit rates, and AdWords.
Amy: Advertising measures
Success is always calculated by your profits, profits are achieved by getting your product out there, and where out there is depends upon your product.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mark - Breaking through the clutter
The article covered many different topics, but here’s the link for more on this article.
Kerry- Metrics
In this article it gives you four key metrics in order to help a start up entrepreneur grow. The following are the 4 key metrics to follow: leads generated, leads converted, average dollar per transaction, and average number of transactions per customer. The article goes into depth of each key metric in order to gain success in your business.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Krista - Research and metrics
Drew-Performance-Driven Ads
heres the article: