And have already blogged it up....
Spent hours trying to figure out blogging -- blogspot was, by far, the most helpful. the "Doing it right" chapter of the book starts out with "...techniques and guidelines that have worked for other successful bloggers." So I followed their advice: I looked for blogs on bloglines (it took me an hour just to figure out how to set up an account and then figure out how to search for what I was interested, hint: my interests were not represented in the top 1000 blogs: I am not particularly interested in more news (is there any good news these days???) And anyway, the ones I was interested in - -one or two design blogs -- I tried to add to my feed but I have no idea if I did it right, or if I'll get the RSS feed -- yes the Really Simple Syndication that I couldn't figure out.
I guess what I'm saying is that the technical sites the authors of Naked Conversations sent us to are useless to those with a vocab deficit like me. Blospot on the other hand -- its almost as easy as AdWords Starter edition. The page isn't what I want it to eventually look like, but I feel confident enough to try my hand at it on another day. And isn't that what it's all about? When you create a how-to, you want it to be simple enough for people to follow, it builds confidence and interest, and that keeps your audience coming back. Who knows, maybe I'll try a little html tomorrow.
So here's my blogspot -- leave me a note!
And, by the way, how do people find out about your blog other than sending them an invite via e-mail? Is it really just through the links you leave and key words you use in writing your blog? That does seem a bit far fetched...
Foreward to The New Inquisition
5 months ago
Maybe you should write a how to start a blog book? Sounds like the ones out there aren't that great.